
Title: A tool to remember the 16 Vandertramp verbs for passé composé.

Carly Eagen, Taylor Fratarcengeli, Kassey Paone

Anticipation Guide

Les verbes DR and Mrs Vandertramp

Est-ce que les phrases suivantes sont correctes? S’ils sont corrects indique VRAI, si non indique FAUX. S’il y a des erreurs justifiées vos réponses et fait une traduction en Anglais.

V ou F

Je suis fini : _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

V ou F

Je suis faim:


Est-ce que les phrases suivant utilisent la bonne auxiliaire? Encercle VRAI ou FAUX.

V ou F   J’ai allée au parc pour une marche.

V ou F   Je suis devenu docteur.

V ou F   J’ai parti pour dix heures.

V ou F   J’ai entré dans la maison rapidement.

V ou F   Je suis revenu pour la fête.

Lesson Plan

SUBJECT/Grade:  Core French Grade 9 Suggested Time
: 75 minutes 



LESSON Description: An introduction of the 16 verbs that use être as their auxiliary verb when being conjugated in the past tense rather than avoir.  This will be the first time that the students will learn that there is another way of conjugating verbs using the passé composé.

Connection to CULMINATING ACTIVITY: This lesson will link to both the past tense using avoir as the auxiliary (which the students will have already encountered) and the past perfect tense which will follow this current part of the unit.  Once all three have been completed, students will be asked to write a short story using all of these forms in the past tense in order to demonstrate their understanding of the unit.

Planning Information:

Curriculum Connections

Overall Expectation(s): Students will be able to:

Identify and use appropriate language conventions in their written work

Specific Expectation(s): Students will be able to:

Recognize and use appropriate language structures

Write point-form notes to record key information

Learning Goal(s) or Enduring Understandings:

I will be able to recognize when to use être as the auxiliary verb when conjugating in

      past tense

I will compare the conjugations in the past tense using avoir and être as the auxiliary


I will write point-form notes to record key information from a PowerPoint they will

       be presented with

Essential Questions:

When do we use avoir as the auxiliary verb?

When do we use être as the auxiliary verb?

What are the three components needed to conjugate verbs au passé composé?

Prior Knowledge Required

Students will need to recognize when to use le passé composé.  Students will also need to demonstrate how to conjugate verbs au passé composé using avoir as the auxiliary verb in the lessons preceding this one, in order to have the foundation to move on to le passé composé with être.

Differentiated Instruction Details
How will you differentiate your lesson? Provide details

Knowledge of Students                                                                                          

Differentiation based on student:

Learner Profile:

          Styles   Intelligences

Need to Know

Students’ abilities and comfort when using the passé composé both orally and in writing.

How to Find Out 

Prior to this class, assessments will be done to ensure that all students are ready to move on to the passé composé with être.

Differentiated Instruction Response

Ways of learning (process)


Anticipation guides to be handed out to each student

PowerPoint and projector to be used

Video and speakers (video included in PowerPoint)

Chart Paper and different coloured markers

Sheets for exit cards (either provided by the teacher or the students)


Anticipation Guide – avoir and être



Graphic Oragnizer – le passé composé

Exit Cards

Minds On (Hook)                                                                                                               Anticipation Guide  will be used to engage students prior knowledge on the passé composé, when to use avoir and être, and the importance of correct verb use – making connections between the first language and the target language


Students will make connections between prior knowledge and their first language

Individual Work (5 minutes)

Students will each be given an anticipation guide which will ask them true and false questions about the proper use of the verbs être and avoir.  The questions will test the students’ prior knowledge of which verb to use within particular contexts as the direct translations from French to English do not always make sense.

Whole Class – Take Up the Answers to the Anticipation Guide (5-10 minutes)

After the students have had about 5 minutes to answer the questions in the anticipation guide, we will take up the answers as a class.  The students will be guided to recognize the importance of using the correct verbs in the target language, just as they would in their native language, in order to emphasize the importance of proper grammatical use and verb choice in their second language.  The responses will segue into our PowerPoint on the passé composé using être

Assessment Tool: Anticipation Guide


Introduction of the passé composé using the verb être as the auxiliary

Watching the video and learning the lyrics as a multimodal means of learning which 16 verbs use être as their auxiliary in the past tense

Providing opportunities for practice and application of learning (guided > independent)

Teacher-Centered then Whole Class – PowerPoint Presentation (10 – 15 minutes)

The PowerPoint will be geared to help both visual and auditory learners as what is seen on the slides will be further explained and/or explained in a different way orally.  There will also be slides that are interactive, giving students the chance to volunteer to test their understanding by filling answers in on the white/black board from the PowerPoint presentation.  This will be beneficial to both the students that would like to test their understanding, and those who are not quite sure what the answers are yet, as they will be able to learn by watching other students whether they make mistakes or get the correct answer.

Whole Class and Two Teams– DR.MRS.VANDERTRAMP Video (10 minutes)

The students will then watch the video we have created which lists the verbs that use être as their auxiliary verb – the DR.MRS.VANDERTRAMP verbs.  The video is repetitive, making it more likely that students will be able to remember the 16 verbs.  Also, the video shows the lyrics on the screen.  In this way, the video will be differentiated to aid both auditory and visual learners.  The video reinforces the 16 Vandertramp verbs as well as their past participle which is needed to conjugate the verbs, accessing both the Thinking and the Knowledge areas in TACK.  After watching the video once, the students will be broken into two teams, then asked to sing specific parts of the song in a friendly competition.  On this first day, rewards would not be given to the team that sings with more confidence, because the students would have just been introduced to the song.  However, as we would continue working with DR.MRS.VANDERTRAMP, students would have the chance to sing this song in teams as a means of earning rewards – candy, free pencils, etc,. for being a part of the team that sang with the most enthusiasm, accuracy, etc.  Singing the song would demonstrate oral Communication (C in TACK)

Assessment Tools Used: Interactive PowerPoint Participation, Observing the Students’ Reaction to the Video in Order to See if it Helps them Remember the 16 Verbs

Differentiated Learning Skill: Teaching orally with the visual aid of the PowerPoint ; allowing the students the chance to sing in class as a means of remembering 16 different verbs.

Consolidation and Connection

Helping students demonstrate what they have learned by having them create graphic organizers.

Providing opportunities for consolidation and reflection by having the students fill out an exit card.

Groups of 4 – Graphic Organizers (15 minutes) could also be categorized as action.

The students would then be asked to choose a partner that they wanted to work with for the next activity.  After each student has chosen a partner, the teacher will put two groups of partners together in order to create a group of four.  In this way, students will be mixed heterogeneously both by social group and hopefully ability as well.  Students will be able to feel comfort within their group because they will have chosen one member to work with, but they will also be asked to work with other students who they might not normally interact with in the class.  Also, students of higher academic ability will be able to aid those of lower academic ability in this activity.

If there is a group of three because of odd numbers, it will be made into a group of five with a pair chosen by the teacher.

The students would be given chart paper and markers and asked to make a graphic organizer of the passé composé.  The passé composé would be the first box at the top of the page, already given to the students, then it would break off into two separate branches, auxiliary verb avoir or auxiliary verb être.  From there, the students would be asked to complete the graphic organizer by branching each section off into what is necessary to conjugate verbs in the past tense using the two auxiliaries, and the characteristics of conjugating the verbs in each subgroup.

Whole Class – Taking up the Graphic Organizer (10 minutes)

The students will be asked to swap marker colours with another group at the end of the 15 minute period.  As a class, we will then re-create the graphic organizer on the board, adding in what every group had so that nothing is missed.  Whenever a group notices something that they did not include on their own graphic organizer, they will be asked to add it to their own using the different coloured marker.

The graphic organizers will be handed in with the group members’ names on it as an unmarked assessment for the teacher to gauge where the students are at in regards to the past tense.

Individual – Exit Card (remaining 5 minutes or so of class)

To finish off the class, the students will be asked to write an exit card choosing two verbs, one which uses avoir as the auxiliary in the past tense, and one which uses être.  They will be asked to conjugate the verbs using all of the subjects, je, tu, il, elle, etc. in order to individually test their comprehension of how to conjugate verbs in the past tense.  The exit cards will be handed in at the end of class, allowing the teacher to discover what may need to be reviewed again the following class before moving on.  This will be another informal, unmarked assessment.

Assessment Tools: Graphic Organizers (Chart paper and markers) and Exit Cards

Differentiated Learning:

Students will be grouped partially heterogeneously, and partially homogeneously, in order to encourage peer assistance and a positive social community within the classroom.

Extension/PREP/Hwk (activities completed outside of class to reinforce/extend learning or prepare for next class)

No homework will be given to the class on this day, as the teacher will be reading the exit cards that night to see whether the majority of the students comprehend the subject at hand.


Accommodations/Special Needs: (this may have been identified above in DI section) How will you accommodate for students with IEPs, ELLs etc.?

Our lesson includes music, visual text, an anticipation guide, oral lecture, as well a graphic organizer in hopes of reaching all different types of learners – auditory, visual, oral, reading/writing.  Also, we did not give any homework following this lesson so that we will be able to use the exit cards to know what needs to be reinforced the following day, and which type of assessments would be most beneficial to the majority of the students, and whether or not any students need extra help before moving on.

Teacher Reflection on Lesson: (to be completed after teaching, you do not need to fill this out for this assignment, just an FYI for reflective practice)



Praxis Paper

Connecting Theory and Practice: Our Lesson Rationale

Theory must connect to practice with any lesson. The intro to our French lesson on Doctor and Misses Vandertramp verbs was strategically designed to capture the students’ interest in regards to the following grammar topics. It features many verb mistakes that are not only common, but also very embarrassing when translated into English. Naturally, French students have some prior knowledge with these verbs, whether they are aware of it or not. This anticipation guide is designed to activate prior knowledge, which theory has shown us can be very effective, thus combining practice and theory. In our Content Area Reading textbook it states, “Activating prior knowledge and generating interest create an instructional context in which students will read with purpose and anticipation” (Vacca, 173). Therefore, by triggering prior knowledge, combined with the commonality and embarrassment, which manifests itself into relevance for students, we are able to create purpose and excitement for the students.

After we have captured our students’ attention, our lesson moves along into our PowerPoint presentation. This will provide a sort of differentiation as students are no longer working in groups, but they are learning visually and orally with the PowerPoint. As theory has shown us, touching upon a variety of pedagogical methods increases a lesson’s effectiveness, and this brief PowerPoint was implemented for this reason.

The key feature of our lesson, and the element that makes it a multimodal lesson is our Pokerap or what we like to call it Vanderrap. In our day and age, new literacies have taken the forefront in our students’ lives, and are music video Pokerap also follows suit. Content Area Reading states, “New lit-eracies make it possible to interact with text in ways not imaginable even a short while ago. Literacy-related learning opportunities in multimodal environments are inter active [and] enhance communication” (44). Essentially, with our Vanderrap, we are trying to enhance students’ learning with our short video by employing a new literacy. As aspiring educators, we are fully aware that the most effective teachers differentiate learning and we are trying to put this into practice. Furthermore, we realize literacy and differentiation must be linked as “effective teachers show students how to think, learn, and communicate with all kinds of texts” (17). Thus, with our Vanderrap we are both enhancing context area literacy and differentiating learning through multimodalities, with an end goal to foster the best learning possible. Inherently, the fact that our tool is based on Pokemon is going to allure students and create excitement. By selecting a topic that students know and had once been a part of their lives, we are going to create relevance and peak interest, which as theory shows will prove to be very effective.

Next on the agenda is our graphic organizer activity. We incorporated a graphic organizer into our lesson because they can be a very powerful learning tool and are also an assessment tool for educators. In Content Area Reading it argues, “When used efficiently, graphic organizers have been found to be powerful learning tools for students whose achievement is below grade level or who are exhibiting learning difficulty” (250). Thus, we can see how graphic organizers can be effective, and these organizers are often most effective for students who have difficulty organizing their thoughts and narrowing their scope.

Finally, we incorporated exit cards into our lesson as a means for assessment before moving forward with other concepts.

Work cited

Vacca, Richard T, Vacca, Jo Anne L., and Mraz, Maryann. (2014). 11th edition.

Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum, NewYork: Pearson.